Heatwave Melts Wax Statue of Abraham Lincoln in Washington, D.C.

President Abraham Lincoln maintained his composure during the American Civil War, but a recent heatwave in the nation’s capital proved too much for his wax effigy. Over the weekend, soaring temperatures caused the 6-foot statue to melt, with the head going first, followed by a leg, and then a foot turning into a blob. The chair also sank into the ground. as reported by BBC.

The wax sculpture of Lincoln, part of The Wax Monument Series by Virginia-based artist Sandy Williams IV, was placed outside Garrison Elementary School. The school is located on the site of Camp Barker, a Civil War-era refugee camp for formerly enslaved and freed African Americans.

This installation, which also functions as a candle, has experienced melting issues before. The first version, installed last September, had over 100 wicks that were prematurely lit, causing significant melting before its dedication ceremony. The new version, installed in February, features strategically placed and fewer wicks, with a plaque advising to “please blow out your wick within 1-2 minutes.” report from Yahoo.

The melting wax head has left a wire sticking out of the 16th president’s neck, but it is currently under repair. The installation is a direct commentary on D.C.’s history of Civil War-era contraband camps and is part of Williams’ 40 ACRES Archive – The Wax Monument series, which includes wax replicas of popular public monuments and cultural symbols.

The D.C. metro area was under a heat alert over the weekend, with high temperatures expected to continue throughout the week. Local media reported that the wax head is set to be reattached this week.